Wednesday, April 23, 2008

WIP: Goblin Prowlers

I am blending the skin on my prowlers tonight, here is a pic of the progress on one.
From Goblin Prowler

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

WIP: Moria Prowlers

I made good progress tonight, I sculpted 3 more prowlers tonight and got paint on all 4. I have updated the web album, check it out!

From Goblin Prowler

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Well Met, Thorhak

Dratch's Workshop welcomes Thorhak Oakenshield to the team. Thorhak is a good friend of mine, we have been pushing these toy soldiers for a long time now. He is a book when it comes to LOTR history and he can hold his own on the battle field. I have had the honor of playing along side him at Adepticon '07 and '08, and against him in countless battles. Thorhak, this Bud's for you man, have fun in the shop.

WIP: Goblin Prowler

I put a layer of paint on my Alpha Prowler tonight, he is coming along nicely. The web album has been updated, check it out.
From Goblin Prowler

Saturday, April 19, 2008

WIP: Saruman Revisited

Here's my progress so far tonight. I have been working on the face and hands, and have almost finished the robes. I still have to do the hair and staff.

From Sarumon Revis...

Friday, April 18, 2008

Whats On The Bench?

Tonight I am paying some much needed attention to my old Saruman figure. He is beaten and worn from years of play and the time has come to repaint him. I decided not to strip the old paint off, I just washed the figure and started blending. In this photo I have blended his robes on the left side, I will be updating this web album as I go.
From Sarumon Revis...

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Samwise and Bill the Pony

This is one of my earlier figures. I painted Sam and Bill in '04, it was one of my best works at the time. I keep this one on my desk for inspiration.

From Samwise and Bill

WIP: Easterling Battle Company

From Easterling Ba...

WIP: Moria Goblin Prowler

I learned one thing at Adepticon this year, I like throwing weapons. Every Goblin I fielded came armed with one, and they did as much damage with them as they did in hand to hand combat. GW currently only offers Prowlers with 2 handed weapons, so if you want to field them with shield or bow you have to convert the normal goblins or use them as a proxy. I decided to convert mine. Here are some pics of my progress so far, I call him Alpha.I have sculpted a hood and mask on the figure using apoxie sculpt.
4/19 Painting Base coats, album update later this evening.
From Goblin Prowler