Sunday, April 20, 2008

Well Met, Thorhak

Dratch's Workshop welcomes Thorhak Oakenshield to the team. Thorhak is a good friend of mine, we have been pushing these toy soldiers for a long time now. He is a book when it comes to LOTR history and he can hold his own on the battle field. I have had the honor of playing along side him at Adepticon '07 and '08, and against him in countless battles. Thorhak, this Bud's for you man, have fun in the shop.

1 comment:

Thorhak said...

Wow. What an introduction, and what an awesome blog. I too will soon be setting-up my own blog to showcase some of my work, so stay tuned! My contributions here will primarily reflect joint efforts amongst Dratch, myself and other potential recruits. See ya' on the battlefield!